What time is Check-in?
Check-in time is 3:00 pm.
What time is Check-out?
Check-out time is 11:00 am (unless alternative arrangements have been made).
How do I schedule a reservation?
All reservations require a guarantee by valid credit card with expiration date. All major credit cards are accepted at time of check-in (Visa, MasterCard, Amex and Discover). No checks or cash accepted.
What is the cancellation policy?
Cancellations made less than 72 hours in advance will incur the charge for the entire reservation (early departures and no-shows). A $25 per room non-refundable advance payment is collected at the time of booking.
Reservations made for Whiskey Off Road, 4th of July Weekend, Courthouse Lighting, Acker Night and New Year's Eve are subject to a 30 day cancellation policy and require a $25 per room non-refundable advance payment at the time of booking.
Can I reserve a group of rooms?
Yes. We will be glad to assist you with your group reservation by calling the front desk at 928-776-9963. Group reservations require 25% non-refundable advance payment. Cancellations made less than 72 hours in advance will incur the charge for the entire reservations (includes early departures and no-shows)
Can I reserve the entire hotel for my wedding or event?
Yes, Please contact our Event Sale Team by completing this form.
What occupancy is included per night?
All rates quoted are for double occupancy (1 or 2 people). Additional charges may apply for each additional person.
Is smoking permitted?
Smoking is not permitted in any area of the hotel. A $500 cleaning fee will be charged per incidence if you are compelled to smoke in your room.
Are pets permitted?
Sorry, pets are not permitted.
The hotel is on a second level. What is the accessibility?
The only access to the hotel is using a stair case. Sorry, the hotel is not ADA accessible.
Does each room have a private bathroom?
Yes, there is a private bathrooms located in each guest room.

Is there an ADA bathroom available in one of the guest rooms?
Yes, the Speak Easy Room has an ADA bathroom (see above for details on hotel accessibility).
Is there a clawfoot tub located in each bathroom?
Eleven of our guest rooms are equipped with a Clawfoot Tub. The Speak Easy Room has a large regular tub.
Can I choose my room?
Yes. Simply select your room choice on line or call our front desk at 928-776-9963.
Where is the hotel parking located?
You are welcome to park anywhere on Montezuma (Whiskey Row). However, there is parking garage located behind the hotel on Granite St. If you park in the garage, you will also receive a code to enter through the rear of the hotel.